Tallahassee, FL: Sustainable Food Petition


During my trip to the farmers’ market, this past weekend, I was asked to sign an atta-boy petition to the Commissioner of Agriculture, Adam Putnam. Commissioner Putnam is small-farm friendly and the goal is to let him know that we appreciate those considerations–as customers of local farms–and encourage more of these sorts of changes to make it easier for small farms to sell directly to consumers while keeping everyone safe.

Some examples of the initiatives that the organizer of the petition, Malini Ramanarayanan of the Red Hills Small Farm Alliance, Inc., was able to provide me with were reducing the restrictions school systems were under so that they would be able to purchase from local farmers as well as looking at safe alternatives for small farms to sell eggs at farmers’ markets (the current regulations require a washing station far beyond the needs and budgets of small producers).

The market was absolutely bursting, Saturday, with plenty of farmers and shoppers milling around under the pavilion. As I’ve said before, I love finding new-to-me vegetables and having more variety than the local chain groceries carry–without the farmers market I wouldn’t have that access! I was happy to sign the petition and encourage my local readers to do the same.

Thank You for Supporting Small Farms – Keep it up!

Dear Commissioner Putnam

I applaud your administration for paying attention to small farms. Fresh, local food is important to me, so I urge you to implement changes that will minimize costs for small farms while ensuring food safety.

By driving Healthy Schools for Healthy Lives and continuing the work of the Food Safety and Food Defense Advisory Council Small Farm Subcommittee, your administration has shown critical support for small farm enterprises. This will ensure that hard working small farmers not only provide safe healthy food to their communities, but also make a healthy profit and sustainable living.

Keep up the good work! Please continue to support opportunities and “right-size” regulations that impact small farm enterprises in our great state.

Click here to Sign at Change.org

Not in Florida? How about finding your own Commissioner of Agriculture and letting them know your thoughts on small farms?