May I Have Your Attention, Please…

Everyday Adventures

Gauche Alchemy is looking for a few new Alchemists!

I have to say that this group of women are some of the best I’ve had the opportunity to meet and work with for quite some time. The products they carry are fantastic for mixed media work and general craftiness, and I’m honored to be continuing on as an Alchemist. To find our how you go about becoming an Alchemist yourself, read on!

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At Gauche Alchemy, our goal is to support and encourage creative thought and expression by providing materials that help artists of all types and skill levels think differently about their creative pursuits. We endeavor to be the “jumping-off point” for your next great idea! We are all about upcycling, as well as digging up the best manufactured products we can find. We are all about being inclusive rather than exclusive.

And now is your chance to get in on all of the fun, snark, and gauche awesomeness we pride ourselves on. We are on the hunt for a few new faces to add to our team of Alchemists.

“What does an Alchemist do??” I’m glad you asked!

“Alchemists” are more than just “oooh lookie what I made” and “here’s how I did it.” Our Alchemists are teachers, crafters, artists, and enablers. We share our knowledge as well as our projects. We are here to inspire. After all, we are regular schmoes too.

“What kind of workload is required of me?”

As an Alchemist, you will be required to submit 2 projects per month. One project is for the newsletter and one is for the blog. Occasionally, we may have special events such as swaps in which additional projects will be asked of you.

“Projects” include actual finished projects, technique tutorials, and anything related to what we do. These posts can be about your craft space, what inspires you, how to bust a rut and so on. Like we said, we are more than just a “creative team” who shows off pretty schtuff.

“Now how about the whole quid-pro-quo thing? What do I get in return?”

As an Alchemist, you will receive an Alchemist “kit” that is looooooaaaaaaded with Gauche goodness. You will also receive a discount to the Gauche Alchemy store. There are other perks you receive but those will be discussed with you should you make the team.

“How long is my term?”

An Alchemist term is 12 months with the possibility of being invited to extend.

“Now where do I sign up?”

To apply, send the following to by midnight Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, April 30th with the phrase “2013 DT Call” in the subject line. This call is open to international aspiring alchemists too!

All aspiring alchemists please send us:

3 recent samples of your fabulous work (do not need to use Gauche Alchemy products but would love it if you did.)

Your blog address:
Are you currently on any other design teams? (Previous DT experience is not required)
Your favorite type of project to create:
Which products in our shop inspire you the most?
Why do YOU want to work for Gauche Alchemy?

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I do hope you’ll consider sending in your application! I, of course, have  nothing to do with the selections, but it’s worth the try just the same.

What are you waiting for?!