With two-thirds of our wedding outdoors and another soggy day on the horizon, the fact that early November is usually dry makes no difference. It’s time to consider Plan R, aka the Rain Plan.
When we signed our contract with Honey Lake Plantation we were given the option of booking the ourdoor area for one price, or the outdoor area and the chapel as backup for a slightly higher fee. I suppose a slight upcharge in the beginning, though, is better than having to pay for a tent at the last minute. And while the chapel is lovely, it’s just not where we see ourselves getting married!

The Chapel at Honey Lake Plantation | personal image

Inside the HLP Church | image via HoneyLakePlantation.com
If I’m not mistaken, the stained glass in the church is the oldest in Florida (I feel like I’m back in docent lessons at the other plantation I worked at way back when) and the mid-day light coming through them would be gorgeous, but the space is just so big and heavy for our little, light gathering.
Still, I’m glad we’ll be covered in case of inclement weather.
At our planning meeting, though, I did think to ask where we’d hold the outdoor coffee and cocktails in case of rain–that was something we hand’t discussed and while there is a vestibule in the church it’s not nearly large enough to work.
The DoC’s answer was the White Ballroom. Also a touch on the small side, I would imagine, if we had to utilize the space, we’d have some room to walk around the hallways and lobby even if they were setting up for an evening event in the main part of the gathering hall. The White Ballroom though, man, is it gorgeous. Super chi-chi, it’s a favorite for bridal portraits and the infamous dress shots.

The White Ballroom, Honey Lake Plantation | photography by Terri Smith Photo

Image via Style Me Pretty | Photography by Laura Yang Photography
 I suppose if it’s looking like rain I’ll track down some umbrellas, but the venue does have a small fleet of golf carts to get people between buildings should worst come to worst. Thankfully, unless we’re dealing with sideways rain (not impossible, especially when the wind decides to tag-team), our reception space should keep us all dry enough. I’m more concerned about it being too cold that day with the Owl’s Nest being, essentially, a big screened porch, but even then I’m sure we can rent some space heaters if necessary.
Or drink more wine!
Still, I’m hoping for a brisk fall day for our wedding. And in a couple of months I can start stalking the weather incessantly.
The Other Sort of Rain Plan
We recently had a bump in the road that has upped the stress-ante as far as wedding finances are concerned. While still hoping for the best, I sprang into worst case scenario mode and looked at our options: what could we cut, how can we make sure we uphold our obligations without wrecking our future, that sort of thing. This is what I’d call a metaphorical rain plan and now that we have it in place, I feel a lot more confident on both scores, even though I hope both types of rain plan stay in the theoretical.
While we plan in what feels like a bit of a bubble, wrapped up in our color schemes and themes, there’s a big world out there that doesn’t really give two pins about our plans and might just send us ass over teakettle before it’s all said and done. Someone loses a job, a family member becomes gravely ill or worse, or the car dies. Schtuff happens. We plan for what to do in case the skies open on our wedding days, but I think it’s worth taking some time to come up with contingency plans. The ‘in case of emergency break Champagne glass’ sort of thing. It goes along with setting priorities but it’s more than that, too.
In the face of big life events, wedding details can seem trivial, but they also represent continuity. Life goes on. Laughter over tears. Maybe spend some time this weekend thinking up the answers to those what-ifs that could try to derail your plans. Not to add stress to your already full plate or borrow trouble, but to make sure you’re ready. Just in case…
Do you have your rain plan(s) in place?