Give it a Shot: Denizen Aged White Rum


Denizen Aged White Rum

You may recall I mentioned an aged white rum (back in the Bluebird of Happiness celebration) a few months back. The time is way passed that I give you a better picture of this particular spirit and share a couple of season-appropriate cocktails courtesy of Denizen Aged White Rum.

While many base spirits (whisk(e)y, tequila, etc.) have pretty specific standards to meet x, y, or z classifications, rum standards vary from among countries of origin and local custom. Still, we do generally know that a white rum tends to be younger, and distinctly brighter in flavor, than a deeper aged rum. And while pretty much all distilled spirits are aged for a given length of time, white rum generally has a short aging period (sometimes as few as 8 months, like in Mexico) and uses uncharred barrels to prevent color from developing (and what color there might be is often filtered out).

Denizen combines the qualities of a 5-year aged rum from Trinidad that is then blended with 15 types of Jamaican rum (these latter rums benefit from the more varied flavors–cogeners–that come from pot-distillation) to get to their final state: a white rum with a broader, richer flavor of an aged one.

When I tasted the rum I was impressed with the breadth of flavor but still noticed that particular rum bite at the back corners of my mouth. In cocktails it adds a certain depth of flavor without muddying up the color of the drink (as sometimes that can be a bit of an aesthetic downer).

Denizen was kind enough to share these recipes which you might consider if you’ve got a party coming up.

Hot Apple Rum Cider

4 oz Denizen Rum
16 oz Apple Cider
1 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
3 Tbsp Cane Sugar
3 Cinnamon Sticks
5 Green Cardamom Pods
2 Star Anise Pods
1/2 tsp Grated Fresh Ginger
1/4 Vanilla Bean
1/4 tsp Angostura Bitters

Add all ingredients except Denizen to a saucepan or slow cooker and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally for about 15 minutes or until hot. Remove from heat and stir in Denizen. Strain into an insulated container or serve from pot. Garnish each much with a cinnamon stick.

Carnivale Hot Chocolate

8 oz Denizen Rum
12 oz Whole Milk
3 oz Water
6 Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
3 Tbsp Cane Sugar
2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
2 tsp Ground Ginger
1/2 tsp Ground Cloves
1/4 tsp Angostura Bitters

In a small saucepan, stir together the cocoa powder, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and water until they form a paste. Add the milk and place over medium heat, stirring constantly until it simmers. Remove from heat, stir in Denizen and bitters, and pour into an insulated vessel. Serve warm in a mug. Marshmallows optional.

I’m guessing these would serve 4-6, depending on serving size (they, unfortunately, didn’t give a yield either of them).

However you choose to celebrate the season, please celebrate responsibly.



I was provided a sample of Denizen Aged White Rum for purposes of review. All opinions expressed are my own. 

AlcoHOLidays | Thanksgiving | Berry-Cran Cobbler


Berry-Cran Cobbler Cocktail for Thanksgiving

Growing up, Mom made no bones about Thanksgiving being her favorite holiday. Trips home to see family were in November, not December, and featured large gatherings of family and friends, food served buffet-style on every flat surface available, and (one memorable year) plates that were actually Chinet platters, because a normal plate wouldn’t come close to holding a little bit of everything available.

These days Thanksgiving is often relegated to the back-burner for many. Merely a carbo-load before Black Friday shopping begins (this year some stores are starting Thursday night, even).

Despite some of the more inauspicious beginnings of Thanksgiving (similar to the controversy surrounding Columbus Day), Thanksgiving is still widely celebrated throughout the United States on the fourth Thursday in November. Menus vary depending on your family’s heritage or adopted traditions, though turkey with all the trimmings is considered the norm. What makes this turkey dinner different from any other?

Cranberry Sauce

Sure, you can buy canned cranberry sauce year-round, but you can roast poultry year round, too. Cranberry sauce is just one of those things we don’t seem to buy much of (or make) except for Thanksgiving.

Berry-Cran Cobbler

1 Tbsp Dried Cranberries
1 oz Simple Syrup
1 1/2 oz Spiced Rum
3 Tbsp Raspberries & Blueberries
Crushed Ice
Cranberry Juice
Sprig of Mint

Muddle the dried cranberries and simple syrup in the bottom of a mixing glass. Add the rum, fresh berries, and then crushed ice to the 3/4 mark on the glass and shake until nice and frothy. Dump the whole thing into a glass, add more ice (if needed), and fill with cranberry juice.  Garnish with a sprig of mint and serve with a straw.

Even though cobblers are traditionally made with sherry or other fortified wines, I thought rum better fit the feeling I was going for. The fresh berries should break up a bit during shaking and the cobbler is one of the few drinks that is served with the shaking ice rather than straining over fresh. It’s a fun sort of throw-back drink for a fun sort of throw-back holiday. It’s very sweet, so if you want something lighter, split the shaken mixture between two glasses and use more cranberry juice to thin it.

To be totally candid…

There’s a lot of crap going on in society today–Mother Nature is obviously not. pleased. with us, jobs are still scarce for many, and some people still insist on being grade-A asshats just because they feel like it. But in the face of all of that, we still have a lot to be thankful for. I’m not going to make you confess your gratitude. (Hey, if what you’re most thankful for today is your morning coffee, your earbuds to drown out an annoying co-worker, and the 30%-off coupon you’ve got for Kohls, you shouldn’t have to feel bad for standing next to the guy whose thankful his cancer’s in remission–we don’t judge, here. Be happy for you both.) But whatever you raise your glass to this coming week, I hope you have a good one.
