Highway to Happiness: The Group Hug

Wedding Recaps

With a big, happy sigh of relief we made our way over to the pathway between the fountain and the Owl’s Nest to hold our informal receiving line.

All photos courtesy of Pink Shutterbug Photography

All photos courtesy of Pink Shutterbug Photography

Since our families followed us out, they were the first to make it to us and something very unexpected happened:

It went from Congratulations to GROUP HUG in a fraction of a second.

It went from Congratulations to SWARM! in a fraction of a second.

A big, noisy, gigantic bear hug from the lot of them!


Even though a receiving line was not part of our original plan, I’m very glad we decided to add it to the schedule. Not only did it help move people in the right direction, as planned, but it also made up for the earlier lack of being able to greet them as they arrived and grab some photos together. So, yay for redundancies in the schedule and just yay in general for having a moment set aside to talk with each of our guests in turn.


Of course our guest list was small and we certainly could have made the rounds between courses (at least in theory), it was reassuring to know that we could just kick back and relax during the reception.

So while our family and friends headed to the Owl’s Nest, we had one little side trip to make before we joined them…


The Road Trip Wedding Recaps:

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